Project asks artists, businesses to help create, sponsor new murals for Downtown Kenosha

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Multiple murals in Downtown Kenosha will soon be underway, with the first in the series to be completed as early as this summer.

The Kenosha Mural Projec was announced Wednesday by officials in a partnership of the Kenosha Community Foundation, the City of Kenosha and the Kenosha Creative Space. It aims to enhance the area’s beauty by fostering community pride, boosting tourism and supporting mural artists.

The murals would be placed on prominent Downtown buildings to “transform underutilized spaces into vibrant landmarks, creating an inviting and culturally rich environment,” said Francisco Loyola, Creative Space’s founder and executive director.

“We were trying to do it some time ago and there are a few murals we created, but we didn’t have the support at the time,” Loyola said Thursday night. “Right now, I think all the pieces are in place to actually make it work.”

The project is seeking support from volunteers, sponsorships and public donations.

The city is supporting the project through planning and initial seed funds. The foundation will soon accept donations, which will be tax deductible.

Loyola said the project plans to start with buildings surrounding the Kenosha Creative Space at 624 57th St. The first mural is expected to be finished by this summer.

The number of new murals will depend on the amount of funding that can be raised, Loyola said. s many as seven could be added to the Downtown.

Read more in the Kenosha News.
